

Monday, 23 May 2011

Radio discussion on how Sci-Fi films encode reality - or mask unreality.

Follow the link below to a discussion on Radio 4 where Alan Rutherford talks to Brian Cox, among other on how reailty is constructed by Hollywood Sci-Fi films. Being a science programme, the discussion considers how far scientists are involved with film and programme making in order to make the scientifically accurate - or 'real' in a scientific way. It is an interesting discussion to hear all the way through but the section beginning at 16 minutes, 45 seconds considers how film language has to distort scientific 'reality' in order for the audience to believe what they are seeing. how does this fit with Baudrillard's four stages of simulation? Is science fiction a form of hyperreality - or is the pact with the audience that this is more fiction than science and therefore automatically unbelievable?

Click here then click on the "Listen" button on the website. Move the programme slider to 16:45.

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